What I Eat In a Day

As someone who has lived with fibromyalgia for almost 30 years, and have been able to reduce my symptoms naturally, through food, supplements and lifestyle changes, I often get asked, “well, what the heck do I eat?!”

Obviously your meals change from day to day, but the main theme remains the same: just eat whole foods. What do I mean by this? If it’s packaged or processed, it’s likely not real food. Stick to meat, fruits, veg, nuts, seeds. You are either feeding disease, or fighting it, by what you put into your body.

Switch your diet to healthy, whole foods, and within 4 weeks, see how quickly you begin to feel better mentally and physically, and watch your symptoms slowly begin to subside.

Here’s a sample of what I eat in a day:

  • Upon waking: 1 cup bone broth (made with filtered water)

  • Breakfast / brunch: antibiotic free bacon, pastured eggs, sourdough bread, grassfed butter (cooked in a cast iron frying pan)

  • Lunch: green salad with chicken, various fruit, veg and seeds + homemade balsamic vinaigrette

  • Snack: mixed nuts, or coconut yoghurt with berries and herbal tea

  • Dinner: steak with sweet potatoes and maybe one other veg, such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts (whatever I have in the fridge)

  • Bedtime: herbal tea

This changes depending on the season. In the winter, I tend to focus more on warming foods like stews, soups, and chilli’s, etc. I also drink a lot of herbal tea to warm myself up in the winter. In the summer, I reach for lighter foods like salads and smoothies, and drink filtered room temp water with electrolytes added.

It may sound daunting to change your diet, but you can do it. One step at a time. I began to make these lifestyle changes over 10 years ago and I still experience good and bad days. Nobody is perfect. Just try!

There is hope. You can reduce your chronic pain, fatigue, stiffness and insomnia along with your anxiety, depression, brain fog, heartburn, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and the list goes on. I am living proof 💜

For more support, send me an email, or fill out my application form to begin working together in my 12 week 1:1 Feeling Good with Fibro program. I have taken my 30 years of trial and error, along with my nutrition expertise, to craft a protocol that works!


Alexis, Fibromyalgia Nutritionist

*Disclaimer - this is my own personal experience and not medical advice.

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