B12 Vitamins
When was the last time you had your vitamin B12 blood levels checked? Do you know if they are in the “optimal” range? Functional medical doctors define the optimal range of B12 as 600-800 pmo/L. In the allopathic medical model, your bloodwork won’t be flagged until your B12 levels go below 220. At that point, you are probably feeling the effects of low B12, and likely not feeling optimal.
My most recent lab work showed my B12 levels at 470, which for me, is not optimal, so I am re-introducing my B12 supplements into my daily regimen (I had forgotten to replace my B12 when I ran out a few months ago). This is usually a supplement I take daily without fail, along with a B-complex.
So let’s chat about vitamin B12 for a bit. Here are two of the many functions of B12, that those living with fibromyalgia and / or chronic fatigue can resonate with:
Vitamin B12 improves your energy levels. One of the most common early signs of vitamin B12 deficiency is fatigue. What do we experience with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome? Fatigue! Let’s try to mitigate that by keeping our B12 levels at an optimal level!
Vitamin B12 improves mood and symptoms of depression. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in synthesizing and metabolizing serotonin, which is the chemical responsible for regulating mood. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to low serotonin production, which can cause a depressed mood. If you’re feeling depressed, you may need to supplement with B12 and up your B12 rich foods (listed below).
I recommend clients get their bloodwork checked yearly just to ensure the basics are looking good. I usually like to look at vitamin B12, iron, thyroid function, kidney function, liver function, vitamin D and blood sugar levels (at a bare minimum). Last year, my B12 levels were at 550. Although I was taking my supplements and eating a good amount of red meat, fatty fish and eggs, I must have forgotten to take my supplements for too long. Stress can also burn through your B12 levels quickly. I would like to get my B12 levels to where they were two years ago, above 600.
I always recommend getting your nutrients from food first, and supplements second, but sometimes supplements are unavoidable, especially when you’re living with a chronic illness like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Here are some top food sources of vitamin B12:
Animal liver and kidneys
Milk and dairy products (which can be inflammatory for some)
If you don’t already eat a good number and amount of the foods on this list, get on it! Pop over to your local health food store and grab your favourite B12 supplement. My fav B12 is a methylated sublingual by Natural Factors. When you’re looking for a B12 supplement, ensure that you are choosing “methylcobalamin” as it is methylated. Half the population has trouble with methylation, and struggles to process other forms of B12, such as cyanocobalamin.
We discuss critical nutrients for fibromyalgia in my 3 month 1:1 Feeling Good with Fibro program. Check it out!
If you have any questions about vitamin B12 supplementation, or other supplements for fibromyalgia, feel free to send me a message, I would love to chat!
Alexis, Fibromyalgia Nutritionist
*Disclaimer - this is my own personal experience and not medical advice.