I’m Alexis, a Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.), Fibromyalgia warrior, and mama to beautiful Emma.
I am a gentle and conscious solo mama, all about living a healthy, holistic, all natural lifestyle to support both mine and Emma’s growth: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
I have lived with fibromyalgia since childhood, which has resulted in chronic pain, chronic fatigue and insomnia for most of my life. For 20+ years, I tried countless conventional remedies, bounced between doctors and specialists, and spent hundreds of hours researching fibromyalgia, doing trial and error, before finally stumbling across the “magic” of holistic nutrition and natural medicine, 15 years after my symptoms first began. I slowly changed the foods I ate, supplemented with additional nutrients and began to live a more natural lifestyle and a few weeks later, I noticed my symptoms improving - less pain, improved sleep, increased energy, and a clearer mind!
My passion for holistic health was ignited and not long after, I switched careers and studied to become a Holistic Nutritionist. With my newfound education, knowledge and research, I studied the many root causes of fibromyalgia, and discovered the body’s innate ability to heal, given the right conditions. I put them into practice over the years, and I now manage my symptoms through food, supplements and a natural lifestyle, rather than quick fixes like pharmaceutical drugs and pain injections.
Shortly after becoming a Holistic Nutritionist, I got pregnant and gave birth to Emma. My pregnancy was difficult: I was severely nauseous for six months and my mood was affected. My childbirth and postpartum experiences weren’t any easier: I hemorrhaged during childbirth, struggled to breastfeed, experienced hormonal changes, and Emma suffered from eczema, chronic constipation, reflux and sleep issues. When she was just nine months old, my dad suddenly died from undiagnosed cancer and I left an unhealthy relationship and became a solo mama, two life changing traumatic events.
I was led down a path of inner healing, working on childhood and adult trauma, awakening my truth seeking authentic self, deepening my spiritual practice, and I blossomed into who I was truly meant to be today as a woman, mama and nutritionist.
It is my passion and life’s mission to take what I have learned over the last 25+ years and help empower fibro mamas to lead healthy, happy & vibrant lives. I am excited to guide, motivate and cheer you on along the way. If you’re ready to feel better, navigate to my contact page to book a complimentary discovery call!
The Nutritionist Mama
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”